Welcome to HERO High School—an early college and career high school in the South Bronx! Students at HERO High attend early college classes and prepare for careers in health care, nonprofit management, and education. HERO students do great things—because they have access to amazing opportunities and receive the support they need to do their best work. Come visit HERO High and learn how you can become the hero you know you can be!
Join us at HERO High, a school like no other!
Come to an open house, tour the classrooms, learn about our internships and free associate degrees, and meet our wonderful teachers!
In Person:
Thursday, October 17, 5:00 PM
Tuesday, October 29, 5:00 PM
Saturday, November 16, 10:00 AM
Tuesday, November 19, 5:00 PM
Remote Meetings via Google Meets:
Wednesday, October 9, 5:00 PM
Monday, December 2, 5:00 PM
(718) 585-8013, ext. 1266
¡Únase a nosotros en HERO High, una escuela como ninguna otra!
¡Ven a una jornada de puertas abiertas, recorre las aulas, aprende sobre nuestras pasantías y títulos asociados gratuitos y conoce a nuestros maravillosos maestros!
En persona:
Jueves 17 de Octubre, 5:00 PM
Martes 29 de Octubre, 5:00 PM
Sábado, 16 de Noviembre, 10:00 AM
Martes 19 de Noviembre, 5:00 PM
Reuniones por Google Meets:
Miércoles 9 de Octubre, 5:00 PM
Lunes 2 de Diciembre, 5:00 PM
(718) 585-8013, ext. 1266
Fall 2024 Open House Information
HERO in the News

Op-Ed | Partnerships with employers boost students, bolster economy »